The Village Church is an interfaith congregation providing services the second Sunday of each month at 10 am. We are an open and affirming congregation. All are welcome to attend.
The Village Church is also a center of cultural life, located on the middle of Main Street in the Village of Cummington. The church sits directly across the street from the Community House. The church provides formal and informal programs, music events and space for meetings, classes and other community use. Please contact us to learn more or to join our email list.

Summer Calendar
Greenwood Music Camp joins us Sundays in July and the first Sunday in August. Lay led services on the second Sunday of the month start in September.
The Cummington Cultural Council Calendar will have The Friday Night Cafe dates and performers. Refreshments generally include coffee, cider and cookies. Please, no food in the sanctuary.
Quaker Meeting – Fourth Sundays at 10 a.m. Email Tim Walter for more information.